Pop Mie: Sahur SOS

Branded Content – Commercial | 15 seconds | Color |16:9

Entering the month of Ramadhan, Muslim start their fasting ritual. For a month, sahur (dawn/early breakfast) becomes an important part of our life. But however, have you ever woke up late and miss the sahur in dawn? Well, if this is the situation, Pop Mie is the answer! Stok Pop Mie-nya, sabiin puasanya!

Memasuki bulan Ramadan, umat-umat Muslim menjalankan ibadah puasa. Selama sebulan ke depan, sahur menjadi bagian penting dalam kehidupan teman-teman yang berpuasa. Akan tetapi, pernahkah kamu mengalami telat bangun yang mengakibatkan telat sahur? Nah, kalau begini situasinya, Pop Mie adalah jawabannya! Stok Pop Mie-nya, sabiin puasanya!


Pop Mie






Jason Iskandar



Florence Giovani



Fahim Rauyan


Art Director

Andromedha Pradana


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